Components Of Healthy Juices And How They Can Benefit Your Body
Fruit/vegetable juices have become an important part of the diet nowadays for people of all ages. These juices have exceptional nutrients, minerals and therapeutic value. They have electrolytes that get absorbed in the body easily.
They are considered to be a rich source of vital nutrients like vitamins A, B, C and folate and a rich source of minerals like iron, potassium, iodine and more. They are a rich source of antioxidants, amino acids and bioactive compounds. These are important to prevent diseases and promote good health.
The juices are consumed fresh and therefore they are an excellent way to balance hydration levels in the body. Healthy juices are made from fresh vegetables and fruits. Problems that arise from consuming processed food can be solved by consuming these juices as they detoxify the body.
Consuming juice can help to reduce the risk of cancer and cardiovascular disease and will have a positive effect on bone health. Antioxidants vary depending on the type of juices and therefore you should consume different types of juices. Now you can find a variety of readymade juices in the market which are made from fresh fruits and vegetables.
You should consume the recommended amounts of these 100% fruit and vegetable juices depending on gender and age.
Components of fruit juice
Fresh juices are known for their antioxidant properties and play an important role in metabolism activities in the body. It acts as a therapeutic agent. It has properties like neuroprotective, anti-ageing, analgesic and anti-inflammatory.
There is not much difference between eating fruit and consuming fruit juices. They contain bioactive nutrients like carbohydrates, water-soluble vitamins and minerals, organic acids, amino acids, fiber and aroma compounds.
For example, vitamin A is present in mango, papaya, pineapple, passion fruit, tomato, raspberry and muskmelon juice. Vitamin B complex and folate are present in orange, grapefruit, pineapple and other tropical fruit juices. Lemon and orange juice contain citric acid and ascorbic acid. Many of the elements found in fruits are also found in fruit juices.
Fruit juices contain flavonoids and polyphenols and they help to enhance antioxidant properties and affect lipid metabolism and cholesterol absorption.
For example, guava juice is very nutritious and contains high amounts of flavonoids and polyphenols along with antioxidants. It helps to protect the colon.
Grape juice is known for the presence of flavonoids and polyphenols and offers benefits to people with coronary disease.
Fresh mango juice is a source of anti-carcinogenic compounds which help to treat prostate and pancreatic cancer. It helps in reducing the risk of kidney stones and reducing the rate of ageing.
Pomegranate juice is rich in phenolic compounds and helps in arthritis, reducing blood pressure, reversing damage to vessels, and preventing prostate and colon cancer.
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